1. Here's how to do it with proper form. Adjust the resistance by shortening or lengthening the band as necessary. Commonly Misunderstood Words in Movement and Mobility In this post I will be sharing my thoughts on common words used in the movement and fitness world with a focus on how to better define them conceptually, and where applicable, mathematically. Take Care, Someone Needs You. Keep your head up and your eyes looking forward and avoid dropping your head down. This video is about Standing Banded Rows. Anyone who wants a tight, flat stomach and ripped abs should consider adding raised knee…, Name: Sylvie Age: 42 Family Status: Married Occupation: Homemaker Hometown: Canada Pounds or Inches Lost:…, Before we get started with our discussion on sprinting for fat loss I would like…, How can I get a bigger butt and a smaller waist? ShapeFit.com is dedicated to providing health and fitness information to people so they can live a healthy lifestyle. eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); Banded Bent Over Row . Area Targeted: Outer Back If you have never felt your Lats working during a rowing exercise, you will now! Banded Standing Row.