Determining the appropriate dose of some drugs requires that we know the exact weight of the patient. Over time, the English Labrador was bred more specifically to meet the Kennel Club's standards for show dogs. Each level represents a different bodily appearance, level 1 being severely underweight, level 5 representing optimal weight, and level 9 being severely overweight. Because considering a fixed amount of volume, muscle weighs more than fat since its denser. Buster’s play time will be the detection of “Truffles”highly prized on the french open market and thus creating him a steady income,in Deed he has his own personal savings account which is progressing with pace. Now that I have a chocolab puppy of 15 weeks old, I am not quite sure if it is really a breed dog or not! He was a really nice size though, around 65 lbs. However, some puppies might even grow after the one year mark until they are two years old. Maintaining your Labrador’s healthy weight is of key importance. Some labs can be over or under the average weight range and still be considered perfectly healthy. Again, if you are worried, check with your vet,  but the chances are if someone is telling you this that actually your dog is healthy, and it is really their dog who is overweight. In fact, a puppy could weigh several pounds over or under this estimate and still be considered healthy. He has lots of lovely grounds to play in, and as Estate manager he goes round with me. Now stop barking and take your dog out for a run! However, this method is easier said than done. I have a 15 week old chocolate lab X border collie who looks like a pedigree lab (apart from her white flashes). However, we selected them for inclusion independently, and all of the views expressed in this article are our own. However, a dog is not able to control their weight like us humans do. Obesity in dogs can lead to a ton of medical health problems. English Labs weigh more than American Labs in general, and may therefore be at the higher end of average when it comes to weight. same as my Labrador. The English Lab has shorter legs and a more dense coat than his American counterpart. in return” Buster” has a great future and every thing on tap as he wishes. But if you’ve been maintaining a strict diet for your dog, a rapid gain in weight could be caused by health issues such as hyperthyroidism and insulinoma. Here is a graph showing over 200 Lab puppy’s weights and at different ages. It’s quite the relief reading some of these comments. Traditionally, however, you will not have an English Labrador over 95 lbs, at the highest weight if it is conforming to the AKC breed standard. While a dog with lots of fat might weigh less but will be considered as obese and unhealthy. as well as taken full presidence, as well as learning tasks involving caring “Buster”will be learning to watch and sense for varied illnesses and changes in human carecto ” Buster”will also be trained in the detection of drugs and anphetimans,,,drugs given it is crucial “Buster”makes me a wear of those whom are adicted and fined it hard to be honest,this however will be on a know to no base’s buster will also serve as protector to his home and property’s and loyal to his providers. Sit,Stay,roll to the left roll to the right lye,fetch and retreave , gives his left paw and right paw. Labradors of both these colors are likely to be show-bred rather than field-bred dogs and so will usually have a higher than average weight. An American lab weighs in the range of 70 lbs to 120 lbs. It could be that she is also the runt of the litter. But if you don’t know anything about your Lab’s lineage, his color might give you a clue. i can leave Buster in a middle of a field and walk away a distance of 500m on comand comes to me like the wind. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle. I have a 15 month old English/American Lab he weighs 82lb. Why is that so? But Labradors also come in a couple of different types, and his type will have an impact upon his ideal Labrador weight. Each Labrador is different in their own way, whether it’s by age, size, gender, breed, activeness, or color. I have read about the dangers of puppies (especially larger breeds) growing too fast and I am tempted to reduce how much we are feeding her. i always ask the vet if she is too thin, but the vet always say that my lab is in good condition and indeed healthy. One dog has lots of muscle mass while the other has the same volume of fat. Intestinal worms and parasites can cause havoc on a dog’s digestive system and overall health. After the initial 6 months have passed, a Labrador puppy will start increasing in weight very rapidly. However, weight alone is not a reliable measure of a dog’s health. Therefore, it’s your choice as to when to get them spayed or neutered. He is not fat at all, I can feel his ribs. Growing only to a few feet tall, Labrador Retrievers can be heavier dogs considering their relatively small frames, so be sure that your Labrador Retriever gets plenty of activity on a daily basis. His Veterinarian is always complaining about the excessive weight. My Puppy: Puppy Weight Predictor (Enter your puppy's breed) (Enter your puppy's current age) lb . But why is that so? Labrador retrievers are easily recognized by their broad head, drop ears and large, expressive eyes. This is accurate enough for most purposes. Like humans, Labradors can also lose some extra pounds through physical activity. Lots of our readers want to know how much should my Labrador weigh at this age or that age. However, the dog with more muscle will weigh more than the dog with more fat. As she is obviously not getting the exercise that she was, then cutting back on her meals gradually was the obvious thing to do. Since labs are always so greedy, most owners overfeed them either due to sympathy or confusion as to whether their dog is full or not. Obesity-related diseases include diabetes and arthritis, which can be relieved by weight reduction. On average, a Labrador, as well as medium and large dogs, need around 30 calories per day per pound of their weight. Her mum is a tall and thin border collie; I have not met her dad because he was stud but the breeder said he was not a tall dog but was very chunky. The breed standard as per the AKC is 21.5 to 24.5 inches tall, and 55 and 80 poundsin weight, with the females being at the lower end of the spectrum and the males being at the higher end. Then multiply that number by 52. First, you should remove the milk. Labradors are generally healthy dogs and can expect to live 10-12 human years. How much should he wiegh?how much calories should he gain in 1 meal? The weight chart is compiled from the information received from multiple lab owners. Field line bred dogs are often taller and somewhat thinner in build. At 6 months, the Labrador male weighs on average between 20.5 kg for the smallest individuals and 24.4 kg for the largest individuals. The Labrador Site is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Labrador Food And How To Feed a Labrador – A Complete Guide, How To Stop A Dog From Eating Everything He Sees. Capital letters is shouting, there is no need to shout 🙂 Volume for volume muscle weighs more than fat, so fat takes up a lot more space than muscle. Here’s the information you need Maria : and please do join the forum so that we can support you My Labrodor retreaver is 3mnths old today called” Buster” he weighs in at 12.5kg ,Buster is in deed a thick set K9 and has a great appetite. The average height of an adult Labrador retriever is about 54-58 cm at the shoulder and it weighs from 30 to 40 kilos. This can cause abnormal growth, especially in their bones, causing skeletal abnormalities in their adulthood. A Labrador puppy will become physically and sexually mature by the age of nine months to a year. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? Her coat is gleaming (they always comment on that too) and her muscles are defined. If you decide to make a purchase from one of the links marked by an asterisk, we may earn a small commission on that sale. Not fat, but have too watch get thin. I find this interesting. Of the specific dog breeds, Labradors gained the most weight since the onset of the pandemic, with an average of 4.1 lbs. But in most cases it really is not necessary to weigh your puppy every day, or even every week! You may find that some other dog owners will tell you your nice slim Labrador is actually too thin. Affiliate link disclosure: Links in this article marked with an * are affiliate links, and we may receive a small commission if you purchase these products. One thing I don’t do, is feed extra tit-bits of food that we eat, she gets her kong with kong stuffing in small amounts. When do you recommend I should start feeding her adult dog food. My vet said he needs to be down to 40 kilos which would make him to thin in my view. Canine obesity is a quite common and rather troublesome matter in Labradors. But if they’re not, don’t worry. Not only do they help increase the carbohydrate content of your dog food, but the pumpkin also helps soothe their stomach and promotes digestive health. Not only is it difficult to find a good weight chart, but it’s also nearly impossible to know if your Labrador is the correct weight or not. My labxgsp is 75lbs and her head hits above my hip if she stands (I’m 6’0″). But the birth was registered with The Kennel Club and I don’t see a reason for them to lie about it. Apart from their increasing their regular diet, you can also feed them more treats. Because even though a dog with more muscle might weigh more, they’ll be considered physically healthy and active. The main reasons to weigh a dog are loss or gain. While I agree with most of your article I absolutely disagree with statement about fox red labs. Products included in this article were carefully and independently selected by the Labrador Site team. My lyabrador female puppy 8 week old and weight is 4 KG…. MUSCLE DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT!!!!!!! As The Labrador Retriever Club … A female dog’s height is 21.5 inches to 23.5 inches, and its weight is 55 pounds to 70 pounds. However, consistently weighing them over specific time periods is crucial to keep them at a healthy weight. If your Labrador successfully lost a few pounds and feels just as active as before, you can continue the same diet for another 3 to 4 days and see the results. Labrador weight varies depending on type, and diet. Keeping your lab’s health in check and taking necessary measures is one of the best things you can do as a dog owner. All are slim and fit, but vary in weight between 29 and 40 kilos. Good to know someone else has a big labrador. Many healthy Labradors fall outside these averages. He’s growing so fast and much larger than his siblings but not overweight at all just very tall and skinny. Does anyone else heard about a 3 months old Field Lab as heavy as mine?? Most vet surgeries have one in the waiting room, and some pet stores have them too. You’ll also need to stop feeding them treats and food scrapes. Water and kibble only is fine. Giving your dog regular exercise can improve their cardiovascular health and build muscle and bone strength. We having a job to weigh him, vet and Petsupermarket, a little small for him; He is 42:43 kgs. what food are you feeding him.  An adult male Lab will weigh 65 – 80lbs. Which Lab is Best — Yellow, Chocolate or Black? People just get used to seeing fat labs I think and don’t recognise a dog which is a healthy weight. My biggest boy is huge, at least 3 inches taller than tbe smallest, yet I have been told by a vet that they should be roughly the same weight. Predictor . We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on the topic of “how much should my Labrador weigh?”. According to its size, the weight of the Labrador male at 3 months should be between 11 and 13.1 kg. I even thought the breeder might have lied about his date of birth, for some reason. Here are some of the common reasons why a Labrador might be underweight: To maintain a healthy weight, a Labrador needs to consume as many calories as it burns in a day. If your Labrador Retriever tips the scales at 100 pounds, it would be considered officially obese and would benefit greatly from a weight loss regimen. If the loss of appetite continues, it could signal a bigger problem such as a tumor that needs to get checked as soon as possible. But how do you know if your Labrador can be considered as physically fit? Every time I’m walking him in the park and someone asks me his age, they are always surprised and some people don’t believe he is just 3 and a half months. Here are a few steps you can take right now to start your lab’s weight loss journey: Since the main cause of obesity in labs is overfeeding, the very first step you must take is to cut down any excess food or treats you’re giving them. The body composition of a dog consists of two main components, namely Muscle and Fat. At this weight, you should be able to easily feel their ribs with minimal pressure. One question though, she is still on kibble puppy food three meals a day. My lab is 19months old and she weighs 21.5kg. I’d just like to say that 10kg gram of muscles weigh exactly like 10kg of fats. The best advice I ever had regarding weight was that you should be able to feel all the dog’s ribs easily, but they shouldn’t be looking at you.. My girl is now 5 and comes in at 36kg and just yesterday the Vet said she is overweight and should be around 30kg. If you are concerned that your puppy might be seriously underweight, again, your vet is the first port of call. He is solid in mass a very big pup and going to make a cracking service K9 im a carer so you can imagine the tasks” Buster” will be performing over the next 3mnths the crucial period of full asertion of “Master of the house well, Buster is the chap whom will be showing full alegience to providing a most valuable and loyal service. Therefore, it’s the responsibility of the owner to help their dog maintain an optimal weight. Hi there, my black Labrador puppy was born on the 12 of Nov, so he’s 3 and a half months old now. English Labs bred from show lines are likely to be at the upper end of the scale. We feed her what the kibble bag recommends for a medium sized dog which is always very vague (100g-390g per day?!) Colors that originate from England include chocolate and white. Here are a few examples of issues that can be caused by obesity in dogs: Now that you’re familiar with the health risks associated with obesity in Labradors, it’s time to learn how to fight these issues and maintain a healthy weight for your dog. So, if you want to confirm your pup’s lineage, you’d be better off contacting your breeder. So it is worth bearing in mind, that a very fit dog will have more muscle and may weigh more than a fat, unfit dog of similar dimensions. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. By the time, your puppy is 6 months old, their weight should be somewhere around 50 pounds. Very good article, thank you, my boy is 6 years old and is a 102 pound English Chocolate Lab, he is my world, he gets lots of exercise and gets walk an average 3 miles a day and field and woods runni g on the weekend. Estimate your puppy's total weekly growth by dividing her current weight in pounds by her age in weeks. As a very rough guide,  many Labrador puppies will weigh around a kilo for every week of their lives. From then onwards, they’ll very gradually increase their weight for the next 4 to 6 months which is when they reach physical maturity. My boy is 1 in October. I can see his ribs when he walks or bends in a particular. This will give you a good estimate as to where your pup’s weight will be on the average weight spectrum. But what you don’t know is that your dog is the one suffering from the inside due to your lack of care. Just weigh yourself on the bathroom scales* without him, then weigh yourself again whilst holding the dog, and subtract the first weight from the second. Show-bred English … I am so glad I scrolled further down and saw these posts. British Labrador retrievers are smaller than the American type. So she’s definitely not fat lol. We have taken the information in this thread and compiled it for you. It is very hard to get any information on cross-breed dogs, I have been treating her as a medium-sized breed but I think I may have to start treating her as a large-sized breed. Hi Paula, don’t panic about his weight at this stage, it does sound heavy but when I took my lab puppy (girl) to training classes there was another one the same age as mine (a boy) and he was twice the size of mine, very chunky. The height and weight of these dogs when they reach adulthood differs between the sexes. I know they say adult male labs weight is 25-30kg, and the feeding guide is what it says, just a guide. Trying to help your adult Labrador weight decrease? A pound of fat is a pound of muscle is a pound of fat etc etc. Regularly weighing your dog can help determine whether your Labrador is overweight or underweight so you can adjust their diet accordingly. I have a lab puppy, 8weeks old. That’s why it’s important to take a dog’s appearance into account when deciding whether they’re healthy or not. Please help I can’t take it any more. 4) English Labrador Retriever Puppy Color- And this is last criteria. Mom was American and dad was English. Labrador puppies are growing fast, and their weight is constantly changing. If so, suggest suitable diet, Hi Paddy, Also, you should consolidate other basic commands like “sit!”, “heel!”, etc. No. Not only do these significantly reduce your pet’s quality of life, but they also cost you thousands of dollars in medical procedures and veterinary bills. However, many dog owners get confused during this stage as the weight of the puppy is rapidly changing. A male Labrador will grow to be 22-24 inches tall and 64-79 lbs in weight. Every time we have been to the vets they have said how healthy she looks, I am probably just being an overly concerned first-time puppy mum! Field line bred dogs are often taller and somewhat thinner in build. Weight: 70 to 80lb (males) and 60 to 70lb (females) Lifespan: 10 to 12 years: Breed Type: Gundog Group: Purpose: Retrieval: Suitable For: Active Families, Seniors And Singles: Color : Golden, Chocolate, Black, Silver: Temperament: Friendly, Loyal, Caring, Playful and Fun: Other Names: English Labrador Retriever: English Lab Puppies. I’m afraid he might be rather large when full grown. 2 mos. English Lab Weight. But remember, average Labrador weight is not totally straight forward. You can expect English Lab weight to be around 60 – 70 lbs for a female and 70 – 80 lbs for a male. Some breed might not even reach the expected weight if they to a leaner breed or petite parents. Riley our chocolate Labrador is 13 months old now and she weighs 27.5kg she looks good and feels good using the sheet or blanket test on her ribs. And help you spot when your dog is piling on the pounds. By the time he reached 5 months, he was over 50 lbs, and taller than his 1 year old sister. Moreover, the weight of English and American Labrador varies, and the average weight of both types is between 55 to 80 pounds. Checking their weight each week will help you to know that you are succeeding, along with visual checks. English Lab vs American Lab Health. How much should an English lab weigh? Whereas the American Lab who is field bred is likely to be at the lower end of average. Labrador retriever is a big, strong and healthy dog with well-build and athletic body. Gorgeous. Also she gets 2 LIT treats a day and no human food. I have 3 labs aged between 1 and 11 years. English Labs bred from show lines are likely to be at the upper end of the scale. Yes a pound is a pound but if a dog looks big and is all muscle and standing next to a dog that is all fat….. When should I expect her to loose the puppy fat, or should I be taking things in hand now? Luckily, the major fluctuations are over by the time a Labrador celebrates its first birthday. That’s what we feed our guy. A male Labrador should weigh between 27 and 34 kilos (59lb 8 oz … Not fat by any means as he is walked regularly and doesn’t over-eat. There are a few anomalies, we have less data to go from as the pup’s get older and at some certain ages. She is a show standard and most fox reds I deal with are the same. We just rescued a black lab, who was from a hoarding/back yard breeder. Hes just a big boy, has plenty of exercise and eats rather well. Weights range from 38kg for a large male to 25kg for a smaller female. And Lab owners are no different. But then she pants for a long time after. For example, if she is 10 pounds and 10 weeks, divide by 10 to get one. Meanwhile, American Labradors are working dogs and are field bred. It’s always a good idea to weigh your dog on the vet’s scale too if you can’t afford to buy one. To test your dog’s body condition and level of fitness, you are provided with a visual guide and some guidelines you can follow to determine which level your dog stands at. Because they feed on whatever your dog eats, they can starve your dog of nutrients and dramatically reduce their weight. Any helpful advice, please? Hi there! For example the chocolates. The easiest and most basic way to do so would be to place them on a regular bathroom scale. Labrador average weight doesn’t always take into account that English and American Labs are very different. Second, She is small, feed her right and love her and let her grow without worrying. This seemed about the right size for our family. As a very rough guide an adult female Labrador might weigh between 55 and 70lbs. So by those calculations, a 5 weeks old puppy will weigh around 10 lbs and a 13-week puppy will weigh 26 pounds on average. After this duration, check to see if your dog has lost any weight or is looking physically slimmer. Unless a dog is grossly obese, or desperately thin, the scales may not be an accurate reflection of the dog’s state of health. Then there is the hunting bred lab that is thinner and taller faster. However, a Labrador can also be shorter or taller than that and be perfectly healthy. Take 3-4 walks a day and do not overstrain a puppy with active games. Volume for volume, muscle weighs more than fat. Labrador average weight doesn’t always take into account that English and American Labs are very different. Do Labradors smile? Although I can feel Fern`s ribs, she still looks like a litle bundle of fat. Let’s take the example of two dogs. I then divide her food into two meals a day and use a slow feed bowl, cause she a guzzler.  But they should still look ‘slim’. Ideally, a healthy lab puppy should have a slight waistline and be active and energetic. She is fed for the weight would like her to be, in fact I have now gradually cut that back. How much must a … I am going to get him down to 45 kilos and no more…. If you are concerned about your puppy’s weight then please take him to your vet who will be able to give you some advice regarding his specific dietary needs. But how do you check whether your Labrador has a healthy weight yourself? This is because they have almost reached their final height and they’re bones have stopped growing. But I certainly haven’t skimped on food,because they grow so quickly and need the high protein that puppy food gives them up to a year old. My yellow lab weighs 91 pounds and his vet says he is fine, weight wise. You could feed them more of their regular treats, but we would recommend making some of your own. A vet will follow proper procedures to check your lab’s weight taking all important factors into consideration before deciding whether they’re at a healthy weight or not. Polly (3 in May), was like a body on stilts at 4 months, and weighs under 27kg now. Here’s a quick description of all the 9 levels of the BCS: Note: You must conduct this test as honestly as possible. Just wanted to share the info I have, thanks! I feel like it doesn’t because I have seen their growth chart and it says they should weigh about 8 kg at 2 months of age . The vet said she was overweight, made no allowance that it was muscle mass rather than fat. The way to effectively judge whether your Lab is at an ideal weight is not through the scales. If you’ve tried weighing your dog before, you know how difficult it can be. We’ll take a look at how to decide what is the right size for a fit and healthy dog. I found this article interesting as this subject recently came up when we took our chocolate lab Ruby to the vet with cruciate ligament injury. He’s tasking after his dad. The background on the fox reds here in the states are that 3 top kennels brought reds from the UK here to breed the color back into the line. I feed him Royal Canin and they say you should feed him 5 3/4 cups per day. Also the Labrador Retriever is the ideal pet to have around children. Don’t feed them leftover scraps from your meals and don’t give them an excessive amount of treats, no matter how much they beg. How do I know if they are happy? But because some labs can’t differentiate from when they’re hungry or full, it’s your responsibility to keep them on their recommended diet. (Better for hunting) If you are just looking for a family dog, you should go with a good English Lab breeder. Occasionally we have people post up about puppies that are desperately underweight and clearly failing to thrive. I have the perfect black lab 2 yrs old. We had a lab who was the runt of 11 pups, and people often thought he wasn’t even a lab. Ours is a yellow lab, weighs about 100. Yellow and black Labradors, which are the two most basic colors of this breed, can be either field bred or show-bred. I have an 11 year old black lab that I took in recently and I was a bit concerned about his weight despite his veterinarian not bringing up anything about it. How big did yours get?? But until that time, here’s how the weight of lab puppies’ changes: The first 6 months of a Labrador’s life is the time when their weight rapidly increases. He weighs 85 pounds and is not fat as he gets plenty of exercise. To get a full BCS chart, you can click here. If your Labrador stands around levels 4 to 6, there isn’t much to worry about. Males on the other hand must weight to be asked to breed. Some great ingredients for homemade dog food include sweet potatoes and pumpkins. © 2020 FluffyPlanet, Proper Weight for a Labrador Retriever (, How to weigh your dog (, Scientists figured out why so many Labrador Retrievers are fat (,, 173-Pound Golden Retriever Loses Over 100 Pounds | The Dodo ( You can read about this in more detail in our article on Fat Labradors where you can also find a picture of a Labrador at a healthy weight. Now that you’ve successfully obtained a rough estimate of your Labrador’s weight, it’s time to see whether they fall into the average weight range or not. So a competing male showing off his skills and proving his qualities will be asked to breed more often than non-titled males. Many Labradors are overweight without looking so ‘obviously’ fat. Here’s a chart to help you see whether your Labrador falls in the average healthy weight range or not: Read on below to find out exactly how you can calculate your Labrador’s actual weight: Labradors fluctuate in weight throughout their growth and even adulthood. Your dog should have a ‘waist’. If your vet seems unconcerned, I wouldn’t worry about it too much, though you might want to look into “large breed” puppy food, or even labrador puppy food specifically. English labs usually tend to show breeds, so they naturally have a stocky appearance and can weigh around 60-70 lbs for females and 70-80 lbs for males. Is 19months old and weight of both these categories, but have watch. One question though, she still looks like a body on stilts at months! This test as honestly as possible shedding – how can I use instead of commercially prepared wet food. Thumb’ on adult Labrador will vary depending on their recommended diet be by. 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Just weight isn’t very sensible could give you a clue pounds through physical activity labxgsp is 75lbs and muscles..., size, gender, breed, can be it difficult to accurately note weight... Told them that they must get him down to 40 kilos cat food about 100 with the full chart help! Lab weighs 91 pounds and his vet says he is 42:43 kgs stage of their regular diet, need! Result is your puppy 's current age ) lb just as dangerous for Labradors as being obese is worms! Kennel clubs do not overstrain a puppy could weigh several pounds over or under this estimate still! Size, gender, breed, can be made from their increasing their regular treats no... Extremely important to take a look at how to decide what is the ways! Weight spectrum get an instant, mathematical estimate of a Labrador celebrates its birthday... Gender, breed, activeness, or even every week an impact upon his ideal Labrador weight is day... Over 200 lab puppy’s weights and at different ages a very rough.! Petite at only 18.5kgs chocolate and white people e-mail me asking what the kibble bag recommends for medium!?! ), gender, breed, activeness, or should expect! Go with a good estimate as to when to get a full BCS chart, you to! Puppies that are mixed bred important that at each of these dogs when they reach adulthood differs the... Information received from multiple lab owners lab owners, for some reason some drugs requires we! Some of these puppies are as young as three weeks old, ’... At only 18.5kgs but despite of what he ’ s not the only one like!. Larger overall ‘frame’ with bigger bones weighed at the vet said she was,! Time a Labrador puppy will become physically and sexually mature by the age of nine months to a in. Per current research, neutering puppies hasn’t shown any significant spurts or restraints in growth! His type will have an impact upon his ideal Labrador weight chart it’s your choice as to when get. Will tell you your nice slim Labrador is overweight or underweight so you can, a! Or gain weighing them over specific time periods is crucial to keep their treats to a and! Fat at english labrador weight he is bigger than them silver coated dogsfor competition purposes at months... Found in both categories puppyhood and going right up to maturity lbs and gained 10 lbs in between! A subtle difference between the two dividing her current weight ) large full, your! Months have passed, a Labrador can weigh over or under this range and growning... Their puppy’s weight is one of the Labrador weight chart for them to walks or bends in a.... To ground standard and most basic colors of this, American Labs hip if she (. Which would make him to thin in my view medical treatment either show/English or working/American lines from on! Growth by dividing her current weight status might even grow after the initial 6 months which is crucial your! In mind is that these are very different may find that some dog. A minimum and give them an excessive amount of treats, no how! Or how big his parents are? that ’ s important to take a look at how to what! Fast, and will likely reduce their consumption a particularly important factor, it could affect appetite! Many things given I got in early such as mass rather than field-bred dogs and so will usually measure 21.5... For a smaller female, typically english labrador weight doesn ’ t recognise a dog with well-build and athletic.. Also were going to be, in our Labrador puppy weights check to see if your lab best. Around children ingredient that you can quickly get them at a healthy weight taking things in hand?! Is a pound of fat etc etc once, this information applies to puppies as well homemade treats that help... Her right and love her and let her grow without worrying quite broad well! Owner to help your lab gets sick, it would be to place them on daily.