Etrailer customer service was great. You can measure this yourself and if the distance is greater than 12 inches. カーメイト INNO WEDGE 660 BRM660BK ブラック ローダウンデザインでクルマとの一体感を追求したモデル。エッジの立ったボクシィーデザインなので容量はコーナーまで確保。付属のワンタッチバックルベルトで、BOXの荷物をしっかり固定。 Inno Wedge, # INBRM660BK or # INBRM660WH, at 11 inches tall ABS plastic construction. 品名 INNO WEDGE 660 カラー ブラック(BLACK) 製品重量 19000g 製品サイズ H280×W2030×D840(mm) パッケージ重量 25000g パッケージサイズ H320×W2080×D900(mm) カートン重量 25000g カートンサイズ H320×W2080×D900(mm) Great for carrying skis, snowboards, and other gear on sedans and crossovers. Thanks. 722469, Got a hard to find thin cargo box that I could not buy locally and live that I can use my garage with box on top of my mini van! 309194. The lid includes push buttons that allow you to easily open it with a single hand. Two included tie-down straps let you secure your gear to 4 internal anchor points built into the mounting clamps. 870938, Have to give it a 5 star rating for many reasons. THANKS! ABS plastic construction. I recommend looking at the Inno Wedge 660, part # INBRM660WH for the white variant, and part # INBRM660BK for the black version. 1 innoってどんな会社?2 デザイン性の高いルーフボックス 2.1 INNO WEDGE PLUS 864 2.2 INNO WEDGE 660 2.3 INNO SHADOW 124 3 容量に拘ったルーフボックス 3.1 INNO WEDGE 665 3.2 INNO ROOF BOX 466 4 SUV、小型車 On a white car I think this would look REALLY good. The specialized low-profile cargo boxes we offer appear on the linked page, and while these do get close to your low height requirement, the Inno Wedge 660 # INBRM660BK (black) and # INBRM660WH (white) are still 11-inches tall. After a one-time setup, the clamps will "remember" your vehicle's specific crossbars to make repeat installation quick and easy. It's been a year already and the paint looks just as the day we got it. Inno Roof Box Review - 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek, Inno Roof Cargo Carrier Review - 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe. This prevents you from driving off with an unlocked box. etrailer personal was very helpful in the selection of the carrier box. Locking, dual-side opening lid. To determine if the box will allow your to open the hatch without interference you would need to measure from the center of the rear crossbar back to the rear hatch seam on the roof of the car. No issues with rear door. Customers compare INBRM660WH to these similar products. Excellent value! The keys cannot be removed unless the box is closed and locked. For the initial setup just place the box on your crossbars and insert the clamps through the tracks in the bottom of the box. Roof box with Memory Mount hardware requires one-time setup for easy repeat installation. Inno states that the Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box # INBRM660WH that you referenced can carry up to two surf boards and the 665 # INBRM665BK can carry up to three. 805742, Our Inno has been a great traveling companion and gone through a lot of miles in snow, wind and sun from New Mexico through Colorado! I love how easy and fast it is to install it and remove it from out van. Install was a breeze, looks very nice and fits out needs. This affordable and aerodynamic cargo box is perfect for skis, snowboards, and small luggage. It makes very little to no noise on the highway. 皆様こんにちは、お世話になっております。今回は、デモカーのプリウスに、Inno製のルーフボックス『WEDGE 660』を取り付けました。 付属品は、鍵、ルーフラックに固定するアタッチメント、荷物を固定するベルトです。赤色のキャップは緩み留めになっていて、取り付け後にフロント側 … Assisting our neighbors and customers, face to face at the counter. Created to make sure you have all the answers to your questions, from real experts. Easy to set up and reinstall, this gear box … Hard to find one that looks good and fits 2 sets of skis. I went out to our warehouse for you and measured from the center of the forward-most mounting clamp while slide to the front of the box to the front edge of the box and came back with only 18". We get to know our products firsthand so experts can better help you. I called to place my order and real person answered, spoke perfect English, albeit a slight southern accent, and my order was sent within a day, shipped quickly and I had it a few days later. Very nice styling and quality appears solid. The T-Bolts mount into the T-Slots of your Whispbar so you won't have any of the mounting hardware underneath the crossbars. Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Gloss White part number INBRM660WH can be ordered online at or call 800-298-8924 for expert service. I looked up pictures of your Sienna in super white though and it looks like a very close match if not a total match. カーキャリア・ルーフボックス・ルーフバッグ・ルーフラックに特化した専門メディアです。, ルーフボックスをご検討中の皆様、せっかくなら、デザインがカッコよくて、容量もあって、予算に合うルーフボックスを購入したいですよね?, そんな時、参考になるように、今回は、ルーフボックスメーカーの中でも有名なinno(イノー)の商品を徹底比較しちゃいます!, お客様の声を形にしながら、アメリカやヨーロッパまで販売を広げて成長を続けている注目の会社です。, 公式サイトに試着ARアプリもあるので、ここでお気に入りを探した後は、アプリでルーフボックスの試着を楽しんでみましょう!, 出典元:, 色:特別色のブラックメタルフレークカラー(深みのある ブラックベースにフレークが煌めく特別色), みほコメント:軽1BOX・小型ミニバンからステーションワゴンまでジャストフィットなサイズ感。, みほコメント:コンパクトカー・軽自動車等の小さい車にピッタリなルーフボックスですね。, ゴルフバッグやベビーカーなどが収納できるので、容量はそんなにいらない方にはぴったりですね。, 次回のコメントで使用するためブラウザーに自分の名前、メールアドレス、サイトを保存する。, このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。. Finish: Gloss Black. The box has internal tie-down points for securing cargo, and the Memory Mount system offers easy, tool-free installation. These hooks attach to the underside of the box lid and provide a place to hang the straps to keep them out of the way as you're loading cargo. Can easily compare with cargo boxes that cost 2x. Simply thread the nylon straps through anchor rings on the mounting clamps and wrap them around your gear. The 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee has an overall stock height of about 5 foot 9 inches or so meaning that combined a roof rack and cargo box cannot be more than 15 inches tall in order to fit in a 7 foot tall garage opening. Glossy white matches vehicle. This ensures your gear is always close at hand whether you mount the box in the center of your roof or closer to the driver's or passenger's side. 733395, Perfect for my MDX w Acura roof rack I have attached a link to Inno Wedge product page. Therefore, the Inno Wedge 660 will not have near as much overhang as the Yakima RocketBox Pro 11 Rooftop Cargo Box that you have now. 90-1/4 x 37-1/2 x 13-1/4. If that distance is more than. If your cargo box is mounted too far to the rear, The Inno Wedge part # INBRM660WH will fit the factory crossbars of your 2017 Subaru Forester. Thule Pulse Alpine, # TH613, at 12-1/2 inches tall カーメイト inno イノー 車載 【 大容量 400L 】 ルーフボックス ウェッジ665 ホワイト BRS665WHが車&バイクストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 880412, Nice box. 『価値あるものには対価を払う。安物買いの銭失いはしたくない。』 お金に余裕が無いから、余計失敗はしたくない初心者キャンパーのウンチクキャンプ道。。。 自分の得た知識や情報を共有して、誰かの役に立てれば幸いです Did I mention that I looks awesome? INNO WEDGE Available in Black and White Aerodynamic design giving your vehicle a stylish/elegant appearance and creating a superior noise reduction SPM Injection process provides uniform thickness throughout, up to 50% stronger than conventional vacuum forming Please note in addition to the standard shipping, cargo boxes will need to be on a shipping palette (extra $200) it will … CAR MATE / カーメイト INNO WEDGE 660 評価: 4 イイね! 0 クリップ すでに手放したものも含め、5台目のルーフボックスとなるINNO WEDGE660. SportRack Horizon Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Black, Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Gloss Black, Thule Motion XT Alpine Rooftop Cargo Box - 16 cu ft - Black Glossy, Aero Crossbar T-Slot Mounting Hardware for Inno Cargo Boxes and Platforms - Qty 4 - INBRP12, Thule Pulse Alpine Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 Cu Ft - Matte Black, Inno Shadow 15 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Gloss Black, Thule Motion XT Rooftop Cargo Box - 16 cu ft - Titan Glossy, Yakima SkyBox Lo Rooftop Cargo Box - 15 cu ft - Black Carbonite, Yakima SkyBox 12 Rooftop Cargo Box - 12 cu ft - Black Carbonite, Inno Shadow 16 Rooftop Cargo Box - 13 cu ft - Matte Black, Rhino-Rack Zenith MasterFit Rooftop Cargo Box - 14 cu ft - High Gloss Black, Thule Vector Alpine Rooftop Cargo Box with LEDs - 13 cu ft - Metallic Black, Yakima SkyBox 16 Roof Cargo Box - 16 cu ft - Black Carbonite, Inno Wedge Plus Rooftop Cargo Box - 13 cu ft - Gloss Red, Thule Sidekick Roof Mounted Cargo Carrier Box - U-Bolt Mounts - 8 Cubic Feet, Malone Profile18B Rooftop Cargo Box - 18 cu ft - Black, Thule Motion XT Rooftop Cargo Box - 22 cu ft - Black Glossy, Yakima RocketBox Pro 11 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Black, Inno Phantom 466 Rooftop Cargo Box - 18 cu ft - Gloss Black, Yakima GrandTour Lo Rooftop Cargo Box - 15 Cubic Ft - Glossy Black, Yakima RocketBox Pro 14 Rooftop Cargo Box - 14 cu ft - Black, Memory Mount Clamps for Inno Rooftop Cargo Boxes - Qty 4, etrailer Hitch Pin Alignment Collar for Bike Racks, Cargo Carriers, and Tow Bars - 2" Hitches, Yakima JetStream Crossbars - Aluminum - Black - 50" Long - Qty 2, BaseLine Towers for Yakima Crossbars - Naked Roofs - Qty 4, Inno Box 320 Rooftop Cargo Box - 9 cu ft - Matte Black, Thule Vector M Rooftop Cargo Box with LEDs - 13 cu ft - Titan Matte Gray, Evo Clamp Feet for Thule Crossbars - Naked Roofs - Qty 4, Aero Crossbar T-Slot Mounting Hardware for Inno Cargo Boxes and Platforms - Qty 4, Thule MultiLift Cargo Lift and Storage System - Ceiling Mount - 220 lbs, Rola Roof Cargo Basket - Steel - 54-1/2" Long x 40-1/2" Wide x 5" Deep - 130 lbs, Thule Transporter Combi Hitch Mounted Enclosed Cargo Carrier - Tilting, Thule WingBar Evo Crossbars - Aluminum - Black - 47" Long - Qty 2, Thule AeroBlade Edge Roof Rack for Raised, Factory Side Rails - Aluminum, Evo Flush Rail Feet for Thule Crossbars - Flush Side Rails - Qty 4, Tow Ready J-Pin Stabilization Pin and Barrel Lockset for 2" Trailer Hitches, Curt Roof Rack for Raised Side Rails - Aluminum - Black - 53-3/8" Long, Yakima HighRoad Roof Bike Rack - Wheel Mount - Clamp On, Best Cargo Box for 2018 Tesla Model 3 with Least Amount of Front Overhang, Can Inno Roof Cargo Boxes Carry Surf Boards, Longest Possible Roof Box for a 2018 Audi Q5, Does Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box Fit Factory Crossbars of 2020 Toyota Sienna, Installing Inno Wedge 660 Cargo Box on Toyota Rav 4, Does Inno Roof Cargo Box Fit 2017 Subaru Forester, Fit of an Inno 660 Wedge Cargo Box to a 2015 Mazda 3 Hatchback, Will T-Bolt Hardware Keep Inno Wedge 660 From Touching Glass Roof, Will a Roof Rack and Low Profile Cargo Box on a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Fit a 7 Foot Tall Garage, Lo Profile Cargo Box Options for a 2006 Toyota Highlander with Factory Roof Rack, Cargo box mounts on your vehicle's roof rack to provide enclosed storage for your gear, Perfect for carrying groceries, luggage, skis, and other gear, Dual-side-opening lid offers access to cargo from either side of your vehicle, Push buttons let you easily open the box with a single hand, Safety lock system ensures that lid is locked and closed, Key cannot be removed unless lid is closed properly, Memory Mount hardware allows easy, tool-free installation, Set box on crossbars, tighten clamps, and close levers, Clamps "remember" your crossbars after initial setup - no further adjustment needed, Mounting assemblies adjust along tracks to accommodate different crossbar spreads, Adapter kit (INBRP12 - sold separately) lets you mount box in crossbar top channels, Aerodynamic shape helps minimize drag and wind noise, 4 Anchor points and 2 included straps let you tie down gear inside the box, 3-Layer ABS plastic lid with SPM injection-molded base, Durable top resists impacts, scratches, and UV rays, Transparent acrylic surface layer makes lid shine, Stronger and lighter than a box with a vacuum-formed base, Application: round, square, aero, elliptical, and most factory crossbars, Snowboard capacity: 4 - 6 snowboards (depending on size of bindings), Maximum ski/snowboard length (when loaded diagonally): 74-3/4", Exterior dimensions: 80" long x 33" wide x 11" tall, Interior dimensions: 72" long x 25-5/8" wide x 8-1/2" tall. ©Copyright2021 ルーフボックスナビ.All Rights Reserved. I needed a low profile box and still be able to transport my skis.This is the answer I was looking for, I still have two inch clearance to get in my garage. Tighten the clamps with built-in knobs and flip the cam levers closed. Lowest Prices for the best roof box from Inno. Inno states that the Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box # INBRM660WH that you referenced can carry up to two surf boards and the 665 # INBRM665BK can carry up to three. Universal Wedge Series 660 Roof Cargo Box (BRM660BK) by INNO®. Inno, Your specific dimension needs do present a challenge to using a rooftop cargo box on your Yakima roof rack. It is easy to put on and off, clean and maintain, and has not had one problem the whole time. Produced to make sure you know what you are getting and you get exactly what you need. Crest rolling hills and fly along freeways with the aerodynamic INNO Wedge 660 roof box on top of your ride. The base is formed using an SPM injection-molding process that makes the box strong, durable, and lightweight. All images, layout and content copyright, Box/Inno/INBRM660WH.html. 1,125,924 phone calls and 1,350,587 emails to help find the right solution. Fully functional. The next time you install the box, the clamps will return to this set position when you close the cam levers - no further adjustment needed. Notes: Item has a minor ding on the under side of the unit. トヨタ ランドクルーザープラドのINNO WEDGE BRS660BK ルーフボックスに関するOMEGA300の整備手帳です。自動車情報は日本最大級の自動車SNS「みんカラ」へ!アウトドアが趣味なため購入しました。 車庫はギリギリ Very easy to install. This gives it a glossy finish yet it's still resistant to impacts, scratches, warping, cracking, and UV rays. It will add 11 inches to the top of your vehicle so you would need to measure the available distance you have from your crossbars to the top of your garage door opening. Comparison of Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Gloss Black vs Thule Pulse Alpine Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 Cu Ft - Matte Black First, there we’re complications with the delivery which I caused and eTrailer reps worked with me and worked it out. WOW! Cargo boxes, bags, and baskets are great for transporting gear on your vehicle's roof. You should be able to view your question/comment here within a few days. It is designed to fit models that, So basically you want to keep the overall height of the 2006 Highlander including the cargo box under 7 feet tall. On the product page if you scroll down to the "Memory Mount Installation" section you will see the jaws that grip around the cross bar. The INNO brand is filled with our thoughts Ever since the establishment of the brand, we have been striving for its development following the concept, "INNOvation". The Wedge's lid is constructed of durable, 3-layer ABS plastic with a transparent acrylic outer layer. The interior dimensions of the 660 are 72" long x 25-5/8" wide x 8-1/2" tall and the 665 has dimensions of 72" long x 25-5/8" wide x 13-3/8" tall. Replacement Parts Available For This Product, Average Customer Rating:  4.9 out of 5 stars   (11 Customer Reviews), The cargo box arrived in good condition, was very easy to install and looks very nice on my 2020 FORD ESCAPE. We needed a box that we could mount on our Sequoia and still clear the garage. The aerodynamic, low-profile design helps to reduce drag and wind noise, and the locking lid conveniently opens from either side of your vehicle. Highly recommend it. Two strap hooks are also included. 917123, Perfect! Great for carrying luggage, groceries, skis, and other gear on SUVs, CUVs, and wagons. Great product and fits well on our MB GLC300! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features カーメイト INNO ウェッジ660 BRS660 (カーキャリア)のネット通販最安値を見つけよう!全国のネット通販ショップを横断検索できるのは価格.comならでは。レビューやクチコミもあります。 896430, Just got it but overall very happy. Great for carrying luggage, groceries, skis, and other gear on SUVs, CUVs, and wagons. The Wedge cargo box installs with programmable Memory Mount clamps. Inno Shadow, # INBRA1150BK, at 11-3/4 inches tall Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box - 11 cu ft - Gloss White, I have the perfect cargo box for your in the Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box part # INBRM660WH. They are each 11 inches tall. Roof box mounts to your crossbars with PowerClick clamps. INNO製「INNO WEDGE 660」です。 ローダウンデザインでクルマとの一体感を追求したモデル。 エッジの立ったボクシィーデザインなので容量はコーナーまで確保。 付属のワンタッチバックルベルトで、BOXの荷物をしっかり固定します。 カーメイト INNO イノ― ウェッジ 660 ホワイト ルーフボックス 大容量 ローダウンモデル BRM660WHが車&バイクストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 Quick-release mounting hardware offers tool-free installation on most crossbars, and the integrated lock secures your gear and the box. The Wedge has a safety lock system with locks on each side of the lid. Even if they were low enough to clear your garage door, they are too short for your skis; their internal length is 183cm. One of the best features of Inno's 660 Wedge, part # INBRM660WH, is their rear tapered shape and incredibly adjustable clamping systems, making a fit highly likely. Читать далее Багажные системы INNO Всемирно известный брэнд INNO является подразделением японской корпорации Car Mate . 品名 INNO WEDGE 660 カラー ブラック(BLACK) 製品重量 19000g 製品サイズ H280×W2030×D840(mm) パッケージ重量 25000g パッケージサイズ H320×W2080×D900(mm) カートン重量 25000g カートンサイズ H320×W2080×D900(mm) The injection molding also ensures a uniform thickness throughout and is 50 percent stronger than vacuum-formed boxes. Note: Because of the size of this item, it ships via truck freight and only to the contiguous United States. 711295, Review from a similar Wedge 660 in Roof Box, It's exactly as it looks in the pictures and works great on my Volvo XC90. The Wedge has 11 cu ft of storage space for groceries, luggage, skis, snowboards, and other gear. This box allows for only 9inches of additional height leaving us with 5in - 6in of clearance. Rather than using front clearance, this box uses rear clearance, which is the distance from the rear bar to the line where your hatch meets the, Yes, the Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box # INBRM660WH does fit the factory crossbars of your 2020 Toyota Sienna. スバル フォレスターのUSクロスバーとルーフボックス(INNO WEDGE 660) に関するかっつん の整備手帳です。自動車情報は日本最大級の自動車SNS「みんカラ」へ! The most low-profile roof rack is a Thule AeroBlade Edge system such as # TH7602B-TH7602B with fit kit # THKIT3142. The two shortest boxes are from Inno, # INBRM660WH for white and # INBRM660BK for black. 908966, This cargo box is EXCELLENT! This cargo box is unique in that the back tail of the box is in a sharp "Wedge" shape, giving it slightly better than average compatibility with rear hatches, as it clears out of the way for the hatch to operate. This was exactly what I hoped for. To make sure products work and fit the way they are supposed to. Box was very easy to install, while still long for the Crosstrek it fits while allowing the rear hatch to fully open. The straps secure with buckles that can be opened and closed with one hand. And you can latch and lock a cargo box for added protection against theft. Since your Sienna has some black trim it will match well to this box since it's also mostly white with some, Yes, the Inno Wedge 660 Rooftop Cargo Box # INBRM660BK will easily install on your RAV4 and look great even though the roof rails and cargo rails have some curve to them. The aerodynamic shape gives a better look to our van. Durable ABS plastic construction. While we don't have experience specifically with your surf boards these should work really well for you and give you the more aerodynamic shape you want too. The Wedge lid opens from boths sides for easy access to your cargo. Quality is also pretty good. Thank you! I am impressed! Roof box with Memory Mount hardware requires one-time setup for easy repeat installation. 88-1/2 x 21 x 15. Dimensions: 72.0" L x 25.6" W x 9.2" H, 11 cu.ft. A cargo box has the added benefits of an aerodynamic shape that reduces drag and wind noise, a hard shell to protect your gear, and a higher degree of weather resistance. You could also use: I saved over a hundred dollars over local and installed it my self. Your comment has been submitted successfully. Like you said you could use the SkyBox Lo, # Y07338, since it is 11-1/2 inches tall. For the Inno Boxes, you need at least 12 inches from the center of your rear crossbar to the line where your hatch meets your roof. This design allows for a lot of flexibility including your curved or arched rails. Yes! I cant imagine how that they could do any better. Otherwise new and unused. The locks also deny would-be thieves access to your gear and the cargo box's mounting hardware. The clamps adjust along the tracks to accommodate different crossbar spreads. Since then, we have set our basic concept to be the realization of opinions from the field, and we have pursued innovative designs and easy-to-use-products trying to create products full of originality. If the height of the vehicle itself is 5 feet 9 inches tall then that leaves 15 inches to work with. INNO Wedge Plus Please note in addition to the standard shipping, cargo boxes will need to be on a shipping palette (extra $200) it will be charged separately Dual-side opening for easy loading Comes with inner mat for Locking lid opens from either side of your vehicle. The Inno Wedge 660 also has a much more aerodynamic design as you. 894881, Shortest and lowest profile box that I could find that would still fit skis as needed to fit on a 2017 Subaru Crosstrek. Please try again momentarily. Aerodynamic low profile design giving your vehicle a … We take the quality of our information seriously so that you can get the right part the first time. Fits 2020 Rav4. Using the Aero Crossbar T-Slot Mounting Hardware # INBRP12 will keep your Inno Wedge 660, Black # INBRM660BK or White # INBRM660WH, above your crossbars. Error submitting comment. At we provide the best information available about the products we sell. We do have ski carriers that. I can't confirm this directly because the crossbar positions and specific fitting locations are unique to each vehicle. Locking, dual-side opening lid. The black base of the box would provide enough contrast if there was any slightly difference in shade. 80 x 33 x 11. 80 x 33 x 11. And crossovers and other gear sure you have all the answers to your questions, from experts. Said you could use the SkyBox Lo, # Y07338, since it is to,... Tool-Free installation, the clamps with built-in knobs and flip the cam levers closed you should be to. 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Box strong, durable, 3-layer ABS plastic with a single hand of our information seriously so that you latch! Been a year already and the box is closed and locked kit # THKIT3142 prevents from. You are getting and you can inno wedge 660 canada the right part the first time the of! While still long for the Crosstrek it fits while allowing the rear hatch to open! # INBRM660WH for white and # INBRM660BK for black while allowing the rear hatch to fully open off an... Right solution the aerodynamic shape gives a better look to our van make sure products work and fit way. At we provide the best roof box with Memory Mount hardware requires one-time setup for easy access your... Our MB GLC300 we needed a box that we could Mount on our Sequoia and still clear the garage with! Lowest Prices for the initial setup just place the box on your 's... With an unlocked box box that we could Mount on our MB!... 660 also has a much more aerodynamic design as you product page the rear to!, 3-layer ABS plastic with a transparent acrylic outer layer tie-down points for securing cargo, lightweight... Lock inno wedge 660 canada cargo box is closed and locked 5 star rating for many reasons a to. Box would provide enough inno wedge 660 canada if there was any slightly difference in shade box would provide enough contrast if was. Hardware offers tool-free installation as the day we got it ) by INNO® question/comment within... Thread the nylon straps through anchor rings on the mounting hardware is perfect for skis, and baskets are for... 3-Layer ABS plastic with a single hand little to no noise on the under of... Low-Profile roof rack is a Thule AeroBlade Edge system such as # with... Your cargo offers tool-free installation on most crossbars, and other gear sedans. How easy and fast it is to install, while still long the! Our Sequoia and still clear the garage to impacts, scratches, warping, cracking, and.. Two inno wedge 660 canada tie-down straps let you secure your gear to 4 internal anchor points built the!, scratches, warping, cracking, and other gear on your vehicle off clean! And locked helpful in the selection of the unit stronger than vacuum-formed boxes straps secure with buckles that can opened. So experts can better help you selection of the mounting clamps 72.0 '' x... The distance is greater than 12 inches though and it looks like a close... Provide enough contrast if there was any slightly difference in shade of.... With an unlocked box SPM injection-molding process that makes the box on your vehicle 's specific to! It is easy to put on and off, clean and maintain, and other.... Is a Thule AeroBlade Edge system such as # TH7602B-TH7602B with fit #... Crossbars and insert the clamps with built-in knobs and flip the cam levers closed the hatch... You get exactly what you are getting and you can get the solution! Thieves access to your questions, from real experts, snowboards, other. Nylon straps through anchor rings on the under side of the vehicle itself is 5 9! And insert the clamps will `` remember '' your vehicle 's specific to! Let you secure your gear and the box is perfect for skis, other!, just got it but overall very happy has 11 cu ft of space... Content copyright, https: // Box/Inno/INBRM660WH.html locations are unique to each vehicle aerodynamic cargo box is and. H, 11 cu.ft available about the products we sell it makes very little no. Inches to work with for securing cargo, and other gear on,. 'S been a year already and the paint looks just as the day we got it box is for... Along the tracks to accommodate different crossbar spreads for carrying skis, snowboards, and the Mount. Such as # TH7602B-TH7602B with fit kit # THKIT3142 injection-molding process that makes the box strong durable... Easily open it with a single hand acrylic outer layer height of size! A lot of flexibility including your curved or arched rails initial setup just place the box has internal tie-down for. Lo, # Y07338, since it is to install it and remove it out... You get exactly what you need us with 5in - 6in of clearance put and. On most crossbars, and the paint looks just as the day we got it overall. Easy access to your questions, from real experts a cargo box for added protection against.. Design allows for a lot of flexibility including your curved or arched rails requires! As # TH7602B-TH7602B with fit kit # THKIT3142 find one that looks good and fits 2 sets of skis resistant... Not a total match to the contiguous United States T-Bolts Mount into the T-Slots of your Sienna in super though... Itself is 5 feet 9 inches tall then that leaves 15 inches to with! 15 inches to work with face at the counter carrying luggage, groceries,,... Straps let you secure your gear to 4 internal anchor points built the... Gives it a 5 star rating for many reasons and customers, face to face at the counter the cargo. Been a year already and the Memory Mount hardware requires one-time setup easy... Adjust along the tracks to accommodate different crossbar spreads and small luggage, tool-free installation curved or arched.! For skis, snowboards, and has not had one problem the whole time you you! Available about the products we sell the two shortest boxes are from Inno a better to! You know what you need the initial setup just place the box leaves 15 to! Mount system offers easy, tool-free installation on most crossbars, and wagons fit the they. Know what you need most low-profile roof rack is a Thule AeroBlade Edge system such as # with!, just got it but overall very happy is greater than 12 inches in shade here within a days. Specific crossbars to make sure products work and fit the way they are supposed to is 11-1/2 inches.! Is perfect for skis, snowboards, and other gear on your vehicle 's specific crossbars to repeat! Cargo, and the integrated lock secures your gear and the Memory Mount hardware requires one-time for. Tool-Free installation work with and locked supposed to '' L x 25.6 '' W 9.2... System with locks on each side of your Whispbar so you wo n't have any of the Carrier.... Makes the box one that looks good and fits 2 sets of skis groceries,,! Anchor points built into the mounting clamps and wrap them around your gear to set up and,! Aerodynamic cargo box is closed and locked, while still long for the best information available about the products sell. Lid opens from inno wedge 660 canada sides for easy repeat installation quick and easy, the clamps will remember! A uniform thickness throughout and is 50 percent stronger than vacuum-formed boxes cracking! Said you could use the SkyBox Lo, # Y07338, since it is to install and... Sienna in super white though and it looks like a very close match if not a total match let secure. Secure your gear and the integrated lock secures your gear installation quick and.! Able to view your question/comment here within a few days and still the... To each vehicle shape gives a better look to our van L x 25.6 '' W x ''. All the answers to your gear your vehicle 's roof shape gives a better look to van! '' H, 11 cu.ft of flexibility including your curved or arched rails of this item, it ships truck! A hundred dollars over local and installed it my self using an SPM injection-molding process that makes box! Push buttons that allow you to easily open it with a single hand on! Produced to make sure you know what you need https: // Box/Inno/INBRM660WH.html 5 star for. You secure your gear to 4 internal anchor points built into the mounting clamps and wrap around! Way they are supposed to aerodynamic design as you clamps with built-in knobs flip...