It agrees with the verb in number, as becomes clear when it is made singular: The tiger hunts its prey at night.In the active construction, it is never marked by any preposition. An eye disorder common in older people is cataract. Within Her Eyes: Style and Skills. Lighting: The film uses only the natural light of the environment. Ciliary Body Structure containing muscle and is located behind the iris, which focuses the lens. Both rods and cones contain light-sensitive pigments that decompose when they absorb light energy. Her eyes are “nothing like the sun,” her lips are less red than coral; compared to white snow, her breasts are dun-colored, and her hairs are like black wires on her head. A prologue followed by six continuous sections defined by changing locations. Tears also have an enzyme (lysozyme) that kills bacteria, reducing the risk of eye infections. Nightblindness is treated by supplementing the diet with vitamin A. The majority of the film is shot with the camera on a track, giving a very smooth quality. The anterior sixth of the outer layer bulges forward as the transparent cornea, the window of the eye. If you are not in an improperly-lit area, which may also cause squinting, ask the woman directly if something is bothering her. The cornea is continuous with the sclera, the white portion of the eye. As soon as the eye moves, it re-adjusts its exposure, both chemically and geometrically, by … The pathways begin as the axons of the retinal neurons leave the eyes to form the optic nerves. Outline. 3.3.1 Critical appreciation of own work To critically appreciate their own performance and choreography, through describing, analysing, interpreting, evaluating and … The impulses are conducted away from the retina along the optic nerve into the brain, where they are interpreted as vision. The eye is a hollow, spherical structure about 2.5 centimeters in diameter. Describe the setting in WHE. Along with vessels in the underlying choroid coat, they supply blood to the cells of the inner layer. Refraction occurs when light rays pass at an oblique angle from a substance of one optical density into a substance of a different optical density. The ciliary body is the thickest part of the middle layer of the wall of the eye. For the penultimate section it switches to a hand held camera giving a much more raw and unstable feeling reflecting the female character’s emotional state. The majority of the film is shot with the camera on a track, giving a very smooth quality. When a person sees an object, either the object is giving off light or it is reflecting light from another source. 3 of 7. The human eye is a roughly spherical organ, responsible for perceiving visual stimuli. 2 . The color a person perceives depends on which cones the light in a given image stimulates. Different forms of colorblindness result from the body’s inability to produce different types of cone pigments. It looks like we don't have a Synopsis for this title yet. Intensity is also created by having the dancers perform in complete contact, totally dependent on each other, with the female dancer never once touching the floor throughout the duet. Structure A is a small part of Structures A and B and codes for a single inherited trait. Because of this, impulses from a group of rods are conducted to the brain on a single nerve fiber. From this region, the visual impulses enter nerve pathways called optic radiations, which lead to the visual cortex of the occipital lobes. Within Her Eyes Setting. The female dancer is constantly reaching, wrapping, balancing and falling on and around the male dancer. Costumes are everyday clothes. Synopsis. Unlike the motion picture image, however, the image that forms on the retina is upside down and reversed from left to right. Rays of light enter the eye, and an image of the object is focused on the retina. Most of the fibers, however, enter the thalamus and synapse in its posterior portion (lateral geniculate body). In people who have normal vision, the ciliary body flattens the lens enough to bring objects into focus at a distance of 20 feet or more. The movement was created in collaboration with the dancers through improvisation, which was all filmed and then learnt back from the video. Where are the climaxes in the music? The choreography contrasts the folding in to him with the pulling away to highlight the pull she feels to her late lover whilst trying to allow herself to move on with the man who cares so much for her. The visual cortex interprets the image in its proper position. Be the first to contribute! Explain the setting. In the presence of light, rhodopsin molecules are broken down into a colorless protein called opsin and a yellowish substance called retinal (retinene) that is synthesized from vitamin A. Decomposition of rhodopsin molecules activates an enzyme that initiates a series of reactions altering the permeability of the rod cell membrane. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, A2 English Literature critical anthology courswork for metaphor », Salome - by Carol Anne Duffy ... need some help! Because the optic disc region does not have photoreceptors, it is commonly known as the blind spot of the eye. What is the structure of Within Her Eyes? Its wall has three distinct layers—an outer (fibrous) layer, a middle (vascular) layer, and an inner (nervous) layer. 1 . 6 of 8. The ciliary muscle and suspensory ligaments, along with the structure of the lens itself, enable the lens to adjust shape to facilitate focusing, a phenomenon called accommodation. At the end of Flow One and Flow Two. The female dancer wears a shirt and skirt, the male dancer  jumper and jeans. The mood is very emotional. Rods are hundreds of times more sensitive to light than cones and therefore can provide vision in dim light, but without color. Many strong but delicate fibers, called suspensory ligaments, extend inward from the ciliary processes and hold the transparent lens in position. It is filled with a transparent, jellylike fluid called vitreous humor, which along with collagen fibers forms the vitreous body. When these cells contract, the pupil’s diameter increases and more light enters. Figure 5 illustrates the locations of these extrinsic muscles and Table 1 lists their functions, as well as the functions of the eyelid muscles. », Guys how often do girls make the first move when you go clubbing? The locations progress from very open landscapes to more intimate settings to show a passage of time and to reflect their relationship getting more intimate and restricted as it progresses. © Copyright Get Revising 2021 all rights reserved. Within Her Eyes presents a daringly intimate glimpse into a secluded world of fragile dependency. Aqueous humor leaves the anterior chamber through veins and a special drainage canal, the scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm). Check her eye shape to see if she is squinting, open-eyed, or if her eyes are in an otherwise normal position. One set of ciliary muscle cells extends back from fixed points in the sclera to the choroid coat. 2 of 7. Please refer to Component 2: Dance appreciation for more information about the structure of the written exam. Structures B and C come together to form a new organisms during fertilization. The colored part of the eye. In post - production the film was given a slightly dark undertone enhancing the mood further. Each eyelid, both upper and lower, has four layers—skin, muscle, connective tissue, and conjunctiva. You can also use your PowerPoint from last Their Eyes Were Watching God possesses a unique structure. Visual pathways conduct impulses from the retina to the visual cortex, where they are perceived as vision (see Figure 9). The circular set (pupillary constrictor) is smooth muscle and acts as a sphincter. However, if the tension on the suspensory ligaments relaxes, the elastic lens capsule rebounds, and the lens surface becomes more convex—focused for viewing closer objects. What does the music commuincate? Schematic Diagram of the Human Eye: Structure of the eye and closeup of the retina. Costume:Costumes are everyday clothes. The sclera makes up the posterior five-sixths of the outer layer of the wall of the eye. Consider the example in (1). Lack of the vitamin reduces the supply of retinal, rhodopsin production falls, and rod sensitivity is low. The female dancer is constantly reaching, wrapping, balancing and falling on and around the male dancer. The eye, lacrimal gland, and associated extrinsic muscles are housed in the orbital cavity, or orbit, of the skull. About this resource. Each orbit is lined with the periosteum of various bones, and also contains fat, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. Watch ‘Within Her Eyes’ and comment on the structure of the piece. To understand how the eye sees, it helps to know the eye structures and functions: Cornea: Light enters through the cornea, the transparent outer covering of the eye. The intention behind Within Her Eyes was to create a dance film that maintained the emotional intensity and  energy of the live stage performance of There We Have Been and to portray an abstract tragic love story that is open for interpretation. The male dancer never manipulates, he only responds to her moves, showing his devotion to her. Cones detect color but are less sensitive and do not respond in dim light. A 3 lesson course exploring the movement style, physical and expressive skills in Within Her Eyes. Squinting may indicate suspicion or mistrust. The overall effect is one journey. 2 . Course Content . 1 of 7. Thus, if a point of light stimulates a rod, the brain cannot tell which one of many receptors has been stimulated. Here, nerve fibers from the retina leave the eye and form the optic nerve. To see closer objects, this muscle contracts to thicken the lens. The ciliary (SIL-ee-air-ee) body contains the muscular structure in the eye that changes the shape of the eye's lens. Within the ciliary body are many radiating folds called ciliary processes and groups of smooth muscle cells that constitute the ciliary muscle. }); Rotates eye downward and away from midline. The retina is thin and delicate, but its structure is quite complex. The duet combines both t physicality with a dark, emotional meaning, creating a intimate work that both moves audiences emotionally and inspires with its physicality. Showing all 0 items Jump to: Summaries. Bright light stimulates the circular muscles to contract, which decreases the amount of light entering the eye. Six extrinsic muscles move the eye in different directions (Figure 5). 1 quiz and two assignments required completion before certification. Directed by James Alexandrou, James Cousins. After the prologue the camera starts very far away from the dancers giving the feeling that they are completely isolated and in their own world; the viewer is a observer. Within Her Eyes Setting. The story is told in the context of a "frame." Report a problem. A 2 lesson course finding words to discuss the site sensitive spaces in Within Her Eyes. When a cone is stimulated, the brain can pinpoint the stimulation more accurately. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. What is the structure in Within her eyes? Two small ducts (the superior and inferior canaliculi) collect tears, which then flow into the lacrimal sac, located in a deep groove of the lacrimal bone. They are closely associated with an adjacent layer of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) that absorbs light the photoreceptors do not absorb. Rods and cones are in a deep part of the retina. These proteins, along with the absence of organelles that scatter light (mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula, and nuclei), account for the transparency of the lens. The original choreography had two starting points; narrative and emotional themes and the physical idea of keeping the female dancer off the floor. The spaces within the eye are filled with fluids that help maintain its shape. Course Content . The darkness of his costume contrasted with the lightness of hers adds to the lifts in the dance. Company: James Cousins company, founded in 2014 by James and Creative Producer Francesca Moseley. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9759235379140764", The film is shot to reflect the dark atmosphere of the inspiration. Structure of the Human Eye The eye is a hollow, spherical structure about 2.5 centimeters in diameter. They conduct experiments as an example of research to gather information. February 2016. The overall effect is one seamless journey. Structure: It starts with a prologue followed by 6 sections, defined by changing locations, physicality and music that reflect the developing relationship. The cornea helps focus entering light rays. This sinus is in the wall of the anterior chamber at the junction of the cornea and the sclera. The most sensitive part of the retina is a small area called the macula, which has millions of tightly packed photoreceptors (the type called cones).The high density of cones in the macula makes the visual image detailed, just as a high-resolution digital camera has more megapixels. The retina of human eye has a static contrast ratio of around 100:1 (about 6.5 f-stops). If eye shape is normal, light rays focus sharply on the retina, much as a motion picture image is focused on a screen for viewing. The darkness of his costume links him to the earth whereas the lightness of her costume gives her a more delicate feel. Rods and cones also differ in the sharpness of the perceived images, or visual acuity. When the muscle contracts, the choroid coat is pulled forward and the ciliary body shortens. The three types of cones each contain one of these three photopigments. Any given eye movement may utilize more than one extrinsic muscle, but each muscle is associated with a primary action. The lens is enclosed by a clear capsule composed largely of elastic fibers. James then pieced these segments together into a structure that reflected the narrative arc of the story. What is the date of the first performance in Within her eyes? Pecola equates beauty and social acceptance with whiteness, so she longs to have ‘the bluest eye.’ Iris. The lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal gland, which secretes tears, and a series of ducts that carry tears into the nasal cavity (Figure 3). © Copyright Get Revising 2021 all rights reserved. ». These vessels are continuous with the capillary networks of the retina. From there the tears flow into the nasolacrimal duct, which empties into the nasal cavity. Dance style: Contemporary / contact work. Photoreceptors are stimulated only when light reaches them. In cones, however, three types of opsin proteins, different from the protein portion of rhodopsin found in rods, combine with retinal to form the three cone pigments. 806 8067 22 Bundle. Staging/set:The film is set in remote locations to give the feeling of isolation and highlight the characters separation from society. Practical - Performance of a Duet/Trio. However, the impulses leaving in response to each activated photoreceptor deliver only a fragment of the information required for the brain to interpret a complete scene. A central artery and vein also pass through the optic disc. The inner layer of the wall of the eye consists of the retina, which contains the visual receptor cells (photoreceptors). Cataracts are treated on an outpatient basis with surgery to remove the clouded lens and replace it with an artificial lens. A depression in its center, called the fovea centralis, is in the region of the retina that produces the sharpest vision (see Figure 6). There is a graveyard which the dancer walks through it has a large concrete cross ahead of her this could With the pigment of the choroid coat, the retinal pigment epithelium keeps light from reflecting off surfaces inside the eye. The clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. This elastic nature keeps the lens under constant tension, and enables it to assume a globular shape. Without treatment, cataracts eventually cause blindness. Every lesson is for 100 mins of learning time. The female dancer wears a shirt and skirt, the male dancer  jumper and jeans. Focusing bends the light rays, a phenomenon called refraction, so the image falls on the fovea centralis (Figure 8). Start studying Fact file- within her eyes. Within Her Eyes was filmed OUTSIDE and uses NATURAL LIGHT. The body of the lens lies directly behind the iris and pupil and is composed of highly specialized epithelial cells called lens fibers. The light-sensitive pigments in cones, as in the rods, are composed of retinal and protein. 1 assignment and 1 quiz with extended answer. THESIS: There are different issues of speech that are faced and tackled within the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, while discussing in depth the role of silence and how it is changed within the book 1. When the ciliary muscle relaxes, tension on the suspensory ligaments increases, and the lens becomes thinner and less convex again. It is opaque due to many large, disorganized, collagenous and elastic fibers. Table 1. Rather than a normal love story where, despite the bumpy road, the characters end up together; he wanted to  a story where, no matter what happened, they could never be together. It does Help but i want to know the repetition used in Within Her Eyes. Lessons Status. The melanin that these cells produce absorbs excess light, which helps keep the inside of the eye dark. Inspired by personal experiences and well known narratives, He wanted a narrative with the themes of love and loss, dependency and loyalty, longing and memory. 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